πŸ”Block Explorer

Superposition’s block explorer is a vital tool for users and developers interacting with the Superposition blockchain. It provides comprehensive tools to help you debug smart contracts and transactions. In this section, we’ll explore what a block explorer is, the features it offers, and the specific explorers available for the Superposition chain.

  • Transactions: Detailed information on every transaction processed on the blockchain.

  • Account Information: Insights into account balances, transaction histories, and other relevant data.

  • Application (Smart Contract) Code: Access to view, verify, and interact with the source code of deployed smart contracts.

Here are some things you can explore around the Superposition network:

View and Verify Smart Contract Source Code

  • Source Code Access: Easily access and view the source code of smart contracts deployed on the Superposition blockchain.

  • Verification Tools: Verify the authenticity and functionality of smart contract code to ensure it behaves as expected.

Detailed Transaction Information

  • Transaction Details: View comprehensive details about each transaction, including sender and receiver addresses, amounts transferred, and transaction status.

  • Debugging Tools: Utilise debugging tools to analyze and troubleshoot transaction issues.

Comprehensive Block Data

  • Block Details: Access detailed information about each block, including block height, timestamp, miner details, and the number of transactions included.

  • Historical Data: View historical data to analyze blockchain performance and trends over time.

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